Cool Stuff

There's a lot of cool stuff out there. Whenever I find something cool and new, I like to share it. ...because I'm nice like that.

Cromarte High School is one of the funniest animes I've seen. If you like random stuff, you should check it out.

I don't even think I can describe it in words so you will just have to see for yourself.

Doctor Who is an absolutely brilliant show.
If you're an American like myself, you may not be
familiar and if that's the case, and if you like funny,
witty, sci-fi shows, check it out on BBC America.

Here's something I got into recently. There is a new comic every single day on's Cyanide and Happiness comic series. Every single one is hilarious and if you don't check it out, the Purple Shirted Eye Stabber just might come and get you.

....yup. This pretty much sums up my feelings for it.
I have at least 5 posts posted and have read just about every single story.